A Fresh & Clean Studio

I said last night that I would clean the studio today, and I did. Total work time from start to finish was about 6 hours, but only about 3 of those were actually work. My morning starts around 5:00 am on weekdays. Between getting kids to school, feeding the farm, and the normal morning chores, I was able to knock out the studio too.

We moved into this house almost a year ago, and the basement took on a huge change in order to make it my studio space. The previous owners had used it as another family room and it was painted a shade of orange I would never be able to live with. I have been working on this room little by little to make it personalized to my style. The room definitely no longer feels as though a family room, but it’s not uncommon to see one of the kids or the husband joining me in there. But this space is truly all mine. This is where my inspiration shows up and is developed into something through fabric or paint or vinyls. The rooms are where I feel my most relaxed and at ease as I work away. I’ve always loved the sound of a sewing machine as the needle races up and down putting all the stitches in place. It soothes my soul to hear the noise that comes from these machines.

As I mentioned last night, my favorite machines are made by Pfaff. They are not the quietest of machines, but they know how to comfort my running brain. I love listening to the Pfaff Creative Icon stitching away in embroidery mode. I have both the Creative Icon and the Performance Icon sitting right beside each other so I can listen to the hums of both machines as they work away. Plus I’ll have to admit, they are absolutely beautiful, especially when they are lined up.

The Pfaff Creative Icon beside the Pfaff Performance Icon

The Pfaff Creative 3.0 and the Pfaff Creative Sensation Pro II
The Pfaff Coverlock 4.0 Serger and the Pfaff Expression 3.2 sewing only machine sitting behind the Creative Icon and Performance Icon.

You can see I’m definitely a Pfaff girl by heart. The cute turquoise Pfaff Expression 3.2 was my first one, and thought I have upgraded many times since I brought her home, I just can’t part with her. I still love that machine, and she still stitches beautifully! I have sewn on many brands of machines, probably ever major brand by now, and nothing, absolutely NOTHING compares to the Pfaff. I’m hooked for life!

But this post was supposed to be about the fact that I finally got my studio all cleaned up…so here’s proof in the photos. The floor even was vacuumed and mopped! It’s a Christmas miracle in April. Enjoy the photos. If you have any questions about what you see, ask away. I really do love to talk about this room! The final photo is of the most recent project that has been under my Performance Icon needle. It is a design cut out on the Cricut Maker, and then stitched onto decorator fabric. I’m not in love with my free motion so it will be redone, but it will be made into a pillow when it’s finished. I love how great the Icons and Cricut all work together!

Redd Homestead was established in 2018 after a move from Texas to Maryland. Our focus is on the lifestyle of living in a semi-homesteading world, while also enjoying the comforts of modern life.

2 comments on “A Fresh & Clean Studio

  1. Teresa Wishard

    love the blue owl


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